
Thursday, July 13, 2017

FZD Term 2 quarter view rooms

I really like this class at FZD. It still amazes me how many fun ideas students come up with.

The purpose of these assignments is to tell story through visuals. These days, a large percent of films and games take place in near-real-world settings. Thus, it's important for students to really understand logical thinking. It's not very difficult to speed-paint random spiky alien worlds and destroyed cities, but it's much more challenging to design a kid's room from the 1990s. So at FZD, we start with basic design projects to introduce students to analytical problem solving. For example, designing a teenager's room. Can the visuals convey what this teenager's hobbies are? Is this person a clean or messy individual? Do they play video games or watch movies? etc. All these elements require students to start with proper planning, rather than randomly putting stuff on paper.

This type of work is not "sexy" to look at, but the underlining values it builds for the students will carry them into more advanced entertainment design projects in term 3.

For more, please visit FZDSCHOOL.COM

Monday, July 10, 2017

FZD Term 3 Entertainment Design 2017

It's been a while since I shared some work from our awesome students.

Here are some examples from their final Term 3 entertainment project. Great work everyone!

To see more, please visit FZDSCHOOL.COM