Monday, August 29, 2011

Ski Mechs

Super quick class demo on shot composition.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Student Work

Some pretty impressive Term 1 student work; considering they've only been in school for 8 weeks thus far. This is from the values & materials class.

Old West Steam Punk

Today's live demo - continuing on the theme of "paint something unfamiliar." Last week we did Goth, so this week I decided to try a western theme...with a bit of steam punk.

VIEW higher res version.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Digital Painting Cert Class - Week 01

New cert class started today. First lesson: Compositions and Values

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ImagineFX Issue 74

ImagineFX, the Art of Star Wars special is here!

"You don't have to venture far into the world of sci-fi art to find imagery inspired by the artists that worked on the Star Wars franchise - whether that's Ralph McQuarrie and his original concept art or Terryl Whitlatch and her creature designs for the prequel trilogy. And, in this very special Star Wars issue of ImagineFX, we feature some of the very best Star Wars art every created.

In this month’s Legends section we talk to Ralph about his work on the first three films, whilst looking at some of his most memorable pieces. We’ve also spoken to some of the concept artists behind the prequel films, including Warren Fu, Iain McCaig, Sang Jun Lee, Alex Jaeger, Aaron McBride and Stephan Martiniére, to get their insight into creating art for the films.

The workshop section opens with Darth Maul designer Iain McCaig taking us through the creation of the tattooed Sith Lord, and then Greg Hildebrandt remembers how exactly he and his brother Tim created this month's iconic cover art. Then Episode 3 concept artist Feng Zhu explains the benefits of working on multiple images before making a pitch. Terryl Whitlatch takes us through how she created many of the fascinating creatures of the Star Wars universe, and Aaron McBride uses a combination of 2D and 3D to create an Imperial droid.

Once you've created your very own Darth Vader with the help of Steve Argyle and his 3D skills, there's still the jam-packed Q&A section to get through, plus reviews of the month’s best software and art books, and our free DVD with a killer sci-fi 3D model pack, a Charles Bernard video workshop and all the magazine's workshop files."

Alien Mobsters

Today's demo on form extraction. Alien mobster designs extracted from 1920s architecture.

VIEW higher res.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sitting Doods

Today's live class demo. Showing students some "traditional" medium techniques in photoshop.

VIEW higher res version

Friday, August 19, 2011


Today's in-class live demo. Trying to show students how to approach subject matters which are not familiar. For me, I don't do too much "gothic" stuff, so we decided to paint one. I think next week we'll tackle a Western theme :)

VIEW higher res version.

Since this is a new subject for me, I did a quick 20 min comp to test out the theme, mood and color.

Initial line drawing

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dragon Horse

Today's class demo on Creature Design, anatomy and costuming.

Riders have to be careful on this beast. Head movement from the creature can kill or knock the rider out.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Moody Paintings

Demo on starting paintings by using abstract backgrounds.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Alien Jet Packs

Organic, symbiotic jet-packs - using fingers and muscle movements for control. The military also made a few earth knock-offs (image 4 & 5).

Higher res version HEER

Friday, August 5, 2011

Alien Ships

Demo from today's class. Showing students how to sketch loose drawings.

Slightly higher res version HERE

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tokyo Mechs

Live demo from my Cert Class - Digital Painting

Higher res version HERE

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pretty cool designs by our students. Design brief was to combine a give-away toy with food/snack packaging. Arief's Oreo thing would totally sell! :)

Higher res version here (check out the notes): CLICK

Student work

Some of our 1st term student work - using perspective to sketch Trains. Only after 6 weeks! Impressive stuff.

Bugs Perspective Sketching

Class demo; production sketching

Monday, August 1, 2011

Sci-Fi landscape demos for our students.

Higher res version HERE